Thursday, October 9, 2008

Playing the waiting game...

Okay, so Clubless is out in full force, and as if that wasn't time consuming enough. We are trying to also tackle a million other things. At least we are keeping busy!

The USDGC has come and gone, and we're still awaiting some feedback as far as how that went. I'm hoping that there was such a buzz and demand that they had to open the pro shop, Black Friday style, at 4 a.m.

Also we recently sent off a copy of the DVD to a possible distributor. These are the moments that by far are the most nerve-wracking and gut wrenching. When you've sent the movie out, and you're waiting to hear back. Did they like it? And even if they do, that doesn't mean always that it gets picked up. You've got to have very thick skin, because you take this project that so many people have poured their time, energy, and passion into over the last year a two months, and it's very easy for them to say Thanks, But No Thanks.

I have a lot of confidence in this picture, but that's the nature of movies. Even the greatest pictures ever made have people that don't like it. There's never been one film that everyone likes, and what if this person just happens to be one of the people that doesn't?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Clubless is unleashed on the world.

The DVD is out. The DVD is available. Do what you were born to do. And then after that, purchase a copy of Clubless: The Legend of Victor Montango on DVD.

Seriously, it is not only, the greatest movie every shot on Earth; but you will feel joy so pure, that your body won't know how to process it. You will pee joy for a week. Basically.

Clink on the link to the right. Or go here.